Sunday 28 October 2012

Work stress/weekend

More crap happened this week, wed basically me and lee the new teacher were told the kids are complaining over our British accents.
She said they don't understand us and want American accents! Then she started saying she couldn't understand us when we were in her car driving to process lees ARC card.
She understood us perfectly when she hired us.
As I pointed out the younger kids seem to understand so why don't the older ones? She suggested we talk more slowly which if I talk anymore slowly the kids will think I'm retarded.
So I tested the theory. every class I had I talked so slow the kids looked at me like I was a alien.i also said if you cannot understand me please say so.they said we understand you fine.

She also said on Friday before we left, we were required to put a deposit of 3000 won each month I am not doing this it wasn't in the contract they cannot force me to do so.She said she couldn't pay me in cash and she wasnt going to help me open a korean bank account.not what she said on the first day.
She said my health insurance wasn't valid until my first pay.which is rubbish I have my arc card now I can go to the doctors tomorrow n have it discounted.

I had to work through my so called dinner as I had to mark the Korean teachers homework diaries and give online essays to my classes.two days running I didn't have time to eat.when are we meant to fit this extra work in? If she wants us to come in early I want over time.

I'm having a meeting with her tomorrow and I'm going to be honest about the whole thing.
- does she want us there? the kids are complaining I can't do anymore then I'm already doing.we weren't given any observation time,literally given a book n said teach.she admitted we were meant to have 2 days observing but because our visas were late through no fault of our own we didn't get it.
- I am not giving this money every month.she cannot force me
- my insurance is valid with a arc card.
- if the kids want an American teacher then ill look for another job,I am not teaching children who don't want to learn from me,what suggestions does she have to solve the problem,other then talking in a American accent.

Other then that I took a taxi and experienced my first racism from a Korean.
when koreans make these clicking sounds,it's a major sign of disrespect.I started clicking back.he didn't like it.dropped me off was very tense atmosphere. I didn't even say thank you in Korean and slammed the door.he tried to charge me extra by taking me the long way round.

On the weekend I got hammered.had a pretty cool time in purple haze Halloween party,then to a nurobong karaoke bar where me n some others from the bar sang.i sang to zeppelin the cure and a few others.bonded with this guy with a Afro from Russia haha

sat went out to a traditional Korean restaurant had these rice paper dumpling things.
Basically you get all theses veggies n meat.cook it in a big pot in the middle of the table,then you get your rice paper,dip it in warm water,then spoon the ingredients into the middle n fold.

It's then made into a soup through adding noodles with the juices,and then rice pudding.

Was pretty cool only cost me £ not a huge fan of Korean food but it was kinda tasty,healthy and a different experience.
After we went to cimas Halloween party but there was no one we went to a pub called benches,it was closing so it was 30,000 won all you can drink.its a shame I liked their food and was a nice atmosphere.

Played darts too Boys vs girls we won :D 4-2 by some fluke I got a triple 20 and a bullseye.

I was pretty happy benches were getting rid of all their books.I now have some in my apartment yes! picked up spirituality for atheists,Oliver twist,othello,the structure of scientific revolutions,a fantasy book entitled beyond the valley of thrones I thought I could read it with the kids.

other stuff- that Korean guy has left me alone.the American guy matt is a total twat.
long story short I needed somewhere to crash he said yes, then when I was on my way to his house said no told me to stay in a hotel! I had to crash at a strangers house.

Then he said I got too attached! I don't think so! if anything I was reserved didn't want to get attached to someone who was leaving.I was quite happy with living in the moment. anyway
I received a grovelling apology via email as I blocked him on fb n kakao,saying he just got scared because he liked me n didn't know what to do about it.
I just told him to forget it n leave me alone.
I really do have bad judgement when it comes to guys.

Monday 22 October 2012

4th week in Ulsan

I think I'm getting better at my job,I'm not sure though.The kids seem to like me.I heard the director saying I was a popular teacher so that's got to be a good thing.

I've had some strange comments from the kids.One kid said I looked like a mouse?! And another who said my eyes were "sooo big" she came right up to my face to get a close look.

the new teacher is here.the building owner didn't give him any bedding,towels or Internet.its pretty harsh.
We went to lotte mart the next day.that was a experience theres everything you need.its your typical supermarket ,but there is no organisation.took us ages to find Lee some shaving foam,30 minuets I believe.

There's this Korea guy I've been hanging our with on Friday nights after work.
i thought it was cool I had a Korean friend.after all I'm in Korea right? We went out on Friday,met the two people I went on a scavenger hunt had a pretty good time.35000 won for all you can eat pizza and beer. get in.
The thing about the foreigner community here is that everyone knows everyonelse,I sorta feel like the new kid at school.its all very clicky.I hated it the first time round.Suppose ill just find actual adults here at some point.
You see all the same faces too.Its a very transient place so I imagine as time passes faces will change etc.

4am on the way home Korean guy starts trying to hold my hand.

I totally freak out.I only hold hands with guys I'm in a relationship me it's a very intimate thing to do ESP in public.its weird that I could have sex with someone I'm dating but I only hold hands when I'm in love.

I told him I wasn't interested and got into my apartment as soon as possible.
I do feel disappointed all I'm looking for is a friend.

Seems a lot of Korean guys try it on or are just creepy.

my dog bonnie from home passed away on Sunday.i do feel pretty upset.She was a part of our family for 16 years.
She was a rescue dad was coming home from band practice,he saw her collarless, running up to strangers in the street looking lost malnourished.
He brought her home for a feed.after she had a good sleep,we advertised her as missing,put her in temp housing for stray dogs.made sure she was healthy and looked after.

After two weeks we got a call saying no one had claimed her,if we wanted we could have her. otherwise she would be passed on to the relevant authorities where they would try house her,put another search out for owners i in 2 weeks she would have to be put down :(

She came home.she was so playful,loving and full of wonder :).
My Bon Bon,as I called her,has been with us through good times and bad.

many lovely christmas day walks even though she was lazy she loved it when she eventually got going,her little legs carrying her fat body,lol I remember when we realised she was eating the cats food as well as her own.she went on weight watchers for dogs :)

she had a good life,I will never forget her.mum and dad are pretty upset too.they say flossy,our cat misses her.they were friends.flossy would rub herself on bonnie ( when cats do this they are saying hello,marking you with their scent saying your mine lol) purr and often sleep in the same bed.

I'm still experiencing culture comes in waves.Im getting better at handling it,just reminding myself its totally normal,it should get better.
Im worried next week will be PMDD time.

Monday 15 October 2012

3 weeks in Korea

Yep,it's been 3 weeks seems like I've been here a while I can't work out wether it's a good or bad thing.

I'm pleased that I'm now using the bus system,everything is in hangul so I'm trying to retarded dislexc brain is working against me I keep getting mixed up with all looks the same!

My kids are a real mix bag,some I really dislike.spoilt rich kids who only come to class so their parents will buy them a new iPad or whatever,they do the bare minimum with a smug look of distain.
I give them super boring homework,such as copy out key expressions three times haha.If they don't do it, I have the power to contact their parents.say goodbye to your new Mac...irritating little shits.

Some I just love.I have some one on one classes they are so cute and work very hard.
One girl Her English name Annie.I asked her what she would do if she could live forever.She said she wouldn't want to because life was boring.Shes 11! like most kids she gets up at 7am,goes to school,then language academy,homework and learning a instrument.then the day starts again.these kids are machines.
I told her if she goes to university in a western country she will experience a different way of living,life can be what you make it.She wants to be a doctor.i hope she decides to live abroad.

So the weekend was interesting.i went to purple haze with a Korean friend,chatted with the bar staff and met a French couple who are studying at Ulsan university.I had to laugh at Korean guys dancing :D they really go for it,arms n legs everywhere,they look as though they belong dancing in cages in gay clubs hahaha

Sat was actually pretty awesome.went on a scavenger hunt.we had to run round Ulsan finding items on the list take pics such as weird sentences in English,socks with sandles,ajimas (old ladies) with visors and matching outfits power walking.
Couple clothing.couples here literally dress the same so they can show the world how together they are lol.
When we took the picture,this guy Ben was holding our team number the girl said "oh very handsome" in front of her boyfriend! Guess those matching jumpers don't mean much huh lol.

in the evening, I met up with Matt,the American I met at the festival where I was ditched.

Had a lovely date,went to a Italian restaurant chatted about family,Korea,life etc.weird thing is he dated a girl who is from my home town and studied at the same uni as unusual that I would find that connection half way across the world!

Hes a big film fan,got good taste in music,he studied science at uni,I like that,it's actually quite sexy.

went to a bar after,cima where I met his friends,funny guys mostly from the states.Went back to his after,talked and had sex. Yes! Finally I like a guy enough to fuck.( btw I don't see this as a slutty thing to do.I don't play games.I don't find guys that I actually like often,when I do,we've agreed to date, whats the point in withholding something that is going to happen anyway? Some women say "make him work for it"..really? where does it end? withhold sex till he buys something expensive? or stops hanging out with that friend you don't like?.sex is a expression of lust,love all that good stuff,using it for manipulative purposes makes no sense to me)

I think he was surprised at how long I gave him head for,think it was for about 30 mins.Its my favourite thing to do,just adore it and its been soooo long.I told him this.he wasn't bothered,just surprised.I'm wondering when I should bring up my other kinks.ill wait to see how things go. hes leaving in 3 months so I don't know what's going to happen,just enjoying the moment I rather date him then not through fear of what happens next.

Sunday morning,he watched baseball.I don't know anything out it,seen as he's so into it I gave it a watch. It's actually quite interesting,I don't like it as much as football. I'm still learning all the ins and outs of it,the different ways of pitching,what the positions are called etc.once I know it all properly ill make up my mind if I like it enough to watch on a regular basis.
We then watched field of dreams ( the baseball film,I thought he'd like it) and South Park episodes.
this is actually a good Sunday for me,lazing in bed watching TV,talking cooking if I can.

I'm seeing him again this sat.might take him out this time if he lets me.he seems to be very polite,holding doors open etc.I actually like that he orders for me too.In that we will discuss what We want,and he will tell the waiter.Its such a stupid thing to like but I do.
so I don't know if he will allow me to take him out,but if he does I fancy Thai and a good bottle of wine.

so things seem to be getting better,but Im not ready to start feeling comfortable yet,my job is still all over the place and I'm still getting used to Korea,it's such a different culture I don't think ill ever be used to it but I can accept the differences and try my best for the time I'm here.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Gangnam style

That friggin song is everywhere here.that guy as whored himself out,he's advertising everything,I kid you not,I saw him on a washing up liquid add!

he is a legit artist over here,im watching his live performance on korean tv.I initially watched him so I could laugh,but for some reason, I find him awkwardly hypnotic. he's like that pissed up relation at a wedding. embarrassing the family with his attempt to look cool on the dance floor,end up looking like a sweaty midlife crisis.

today I got stared at loads,or maybe I just noticed it more.
All the foreigners here get stated at.Its interesting,makes me realise beyond any doubt that I wouldn't want to be famous.

tomorrow I have this meal with my Korean co workers.I really don't like getting overly friendly with people from work.ive never been one to go to work functions beyond the Christmas party a few drinks after work here and there.So this is going to be weird for me.its part of Korean custom to go to every work thing,so I'm going along with it.
To look at it on the plus side,ill maybe feel more a part of the school,and get to try some new food. Tomorrow night I fancy going for a few drinks at a bar called purple haze.after my long long day I need something to unwind.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Sticker fun on tube

Keeping up to date with British news while I'm here,I saw this.Someone is replacing stickers on the tube in London with awesomeness

"No eye contact. Penalty £200."

"We apologise for any incontinence caused during these engineering works."

"Peak hours may necessitate you let other people sit on your lap."

So very funny.I needed a laugh today.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Ulsan festival

The festival itself was ace.however I went with a girl from the UK n her friends.ive hung out with her twice before so I thought we were sorta becoming friends as she's invited me to 2 nights out.

Anyway,at the festival things seemed to be ok,I still felt out of place as these guys been friends for a year.the guys went off to get some food,she went to the toilet with another friend,I was sat on my own after 15 mins I knew she wasn't coming back.
Fucking bitch.she could have just told me to go home I'd have had more respect for her.i felt like I did in school when I was being bullied.Left alone my first week in a new city and country at a festival.I pondered what to do for a few mins I thought fuck it ill myself a beer n sat down.
A guy called matt started talking to me,we had quite a bit in common wet to a bar after then back to his,we agreed to go on a date this weekend wether or not it will happen is another thing.