So the 1st every month I get paid.I was paid yest.I didn't receive a copy of my way slip.instead inbetween lessons I was taken into a room and shown it,told to sign to say I'd seen it.i wish I hadn't done that now.i think she will use it to say that everything was ok when it was literally to say I'd seen it i didn't have time to digest it.
Pension is massively expensive.she told me I would get it back when I leave.this is incorrect.she also said I should give her 50000 won ( £27) in cash for maintenance fees on my apartment.when i asked if it was deductible from my wages she said no! it wasn't on my wage slip,but it was in my contract I have to pay it,so feeling under pressure I I'm expecting a receipt from her.and a copy of my wage slip.
She also said " I'm not charging you 30000 won every month because I trust you won't leave" yeah maybe the fact it's illegal has something to do with it!
Also she mentioned a little boy I tutor jake.I love jake,such a sweet clever child.I tutor him one to one at the accademy.he likes me too he mentioned me to his friend :) his homeroom teacher said he talks about me aww.
Anyway he has a shorter tongue so can't pronounce S l and t sounds.Its physically not possible.So we work through the book taking that into account.
Stacey listened to my lesson outside.heard he wasn't saying his "s" and came into the room made him say the word "books" over and over till she was satisfied he said s.she then told me to correct him!
After I told his homeroom teacher what happened she said she understood,and confirmed he did have the speech issue.
What a horrible thing to do to a shy sweet boy.he has it hard enough as it is.
Stacey told me yest that I need to correct students straight away i always do! and sighted jake as a example.I told her she was wrong,that jake has a speech problem.she said it could be corrected n it was my job to do so!.she said I needed to have more confidence when teaching!.A shorter tongue cannot be corrected. I have confidence! When my lesson was observed the 2nd week I got flying colours! I told her she could observe a lesson if she wants.
There's also a child in my older group who last lesson told me to "fuck you" I sent him to Stacey.
She told me he was a very sensitive child I should try with him.I did as I do with all the kids. in that lesson,I told him to stop banging on the wall,he did it again,told him to stand up.he didn't listen then started speaking Korean to the other students.I told him to stop speaking Korean and listen he then said fuck you.
This lesson,I enter the room he's got his head on the desk.I take his hood down and make him sit up.
Telling him to pay attention and listen.he became angry and disruptive.knowing Stacey prefers these issues sorted in class,
I opted to take a different tactic and ignored his attempt for attention continuing the lesson for those who wanted to learn.this annoyed him.he sulked the rest of the class,but answered questions when I he knew the material.
he then complained to Stacey that my lesson was boring and I looked tired.
He told me that he couldn't understand me and was going to call his mother telling her so.Complete lies.
Today is Friday I work 3-10 with 25 min break. I'm just glad it's The weekend.
I feel really ill today I looked at the back of my throat with a torch I have spots on my tonsils and white bits.I have 3 days paid sick leave.Im trying not to take any time off.I hope this eases during the day.