Monday 25 June 2012

A Greek Tragedy

Last week the result of the Greek election meant the euro was saved.

If there is going to be a end to the crisis How can the same people who caused the mess sort it out?

How could this happen to a beautiful,prosperous country?

From what I understand they took on too much cheap debt they couldn't afford to pay back,fiddled the figures tax ,cut down on traditional trades began to import more,spreading the message to the Greek people to live it up.

Like most countries the greed perpetuated by the government,and the EU turning a blind eye means it could be that 40% of Greeks are living in poverty.

That is horrific,in Britian that would be 24 million people on the breadline!.

What's also worrying is the rising support for the far right.
A party named 'golden Dawn'has the same warped values as the BNP over here.

When asked

You don't believe what Hitler did was the ultimate crime?

" I don't know,everyone has the right to re consider history"

Er..what the Fuck

In the same documentary, I saw one of their MPs assault a woman on TV!

The Golden Dawn party now have 18 seats in parliament.

I used to disagree with Germany getting involved.
However like a rebellious teenager in self distrust mode there needs to be a intervention.

I dont believe the Greeks can do it Germany is the sensible option.

Hopefully I'll be proved wrong

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