Tuesday 24 April 2012

Spiders= no sleep

I hate spiders. I think it stems from when I was little.It was the summer,I was about to go out with my friends play rounders.I had got ice pop all down my tshirt,mum wouldnt have been happy,in a attempt to defer mums wrath,I went to change ( loved those ice pops,those luminous colours must have had all sorts in them if they can stain t shirts what were they doing to our insides?) im going to include a picture of those.I sure as hell ain't looking for a picture of a freaky spider.

Anyway,in the rush of excitement I grabbed the first shirt I found...Then I felt it..a slight tickle then running down my back,instant fear and panic- spider!!

freaking out,I ran to my sister and friends.they were scared of spiders too and it took 3 of them to get the spider off me.

Since then there have been other spider encounters,walking into webs ive done a few times,yes embarrassing.
the most embarrassing was at my exs house one Christmas. meeting the entire family for the first time.we were playing some crappy board game,my mind started drifting,spotted a spider on it's path towards me, it was edging closer and closer-then... shit! it was next to my foot- I made a weird squeak noise (apparently thats the noise I make when im scared ?!) and squished the bugger so hard into the floor that when I removed my foot, all that remained was a black dot .Everyone stopped the game and looked at me,I just tried to laugh it off.

So years later , this irrational fear is still there I can't sleep.
I spotted 3 spiders in my room and one in the bathroom. I sucked the ones in my room up with the vacuum,the other I trapped under a glass.
I just hope I can get to sleep and I don't dream they are on me,or I have a sleep walking episode and kick the glass over.
I'll prob wake up from a spider dream,be half a sleep convinced there are more in my room.

tonight I'm keeping the light on haha

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