I think I see things in a different way to most people I know.
The first one is relationships.
I find it difficult to truly click with a guy,but I know quickly if there is something there within the first meeting.most people think this doesn't happen that it's simply lust.incorrect,I know the difference.the 3 men I've loved been in long relationships with I had this connection,my intuition will let me know when it's there again.
I feel like dandelion spawn,happily floating around until I find something I connect with I remain until something happens to send me on my way.
I do want to settle,I believe in marriage creating a strong family unit.
I have goals,having a career helping people in some way being a therapist,teacher im studying for now or working for a charity ( I currently work voluntarily for child line,if I can't do this as a paid position I'll continue working for free).photography I'd love to be able to use these skills or my degree at some point.
Above all that, At the risk of sounding like a crazy bradjalina baby collector I want to be a mother.
finding the person who gets me vice versa is important,to present a united front,get through the Bad times.
I know one of my friends has settled through fear of being alone.he doesn't understand my point of view on this.
lust and sex.I've always had a high sex drive and been open minded.
this has been a problem when I've been single( I'm proud to say I've never cheated).I have my toys,porn but sometimes when there is no sex in the foreseable future- this isn't enough,when it gets to the 6 month mark it's torture.
i have had fuck buddies and one night stands in the past to satisfy the urge
.I think it's this,that makes me see sex differently. Sex can be just a act of raw lust and instinct.get what you want and leave. I have never hugged,held hands etc.It sounds cold but why dress it up to be something it's not?
Hugging,holding hands to me is something I do when I'm in a relationship. Then sex is lustful,passionate and meaningful.
I also would prefer a bf to cheat on a one night stand, then develop real feelings for someone even if they did nothing but kiss and cuddle.it's the emotional connection that makes it different.To me this makes the betrayal a million times worse.
I also don't have a problem with a bf going to a strip club.I've trusted the exs that went to clubs and ive gone with them a few times.
what most girls don't get that unless ur bf is drop dead Gorgeous,even then the chances of the stripper coming on to them is slim. I have stripper friends from what I've been told and seen, they view them as walking wallets.
If they are worried their bf will cheat it's far more likely in a regular club.
My friend thought I was crazy when she told me she was worried about her bf and I told her that.
There's loads more but I need sleep.
what im taking from this i know who I am,what I want .I'll probably float that way at some point,most likely when I least expect it
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