Tuesday 3 July 2012


I was brought up catholic,went to catholic school,made my first holy communion,went to church every Sunday.. the lot.

Then when i was 15,it was confirmation time ( where you pledge in front of a bishop to take christianity into adulthood) I wasn't going to do it,just didn't sit right.

all the logical answers pointed to that there was no god.if science proves to me there is one,I thought fine but until that point I'll assume there isn't one.

It was a scary realisation knowing there was no Devine power guiding me," everything happens for a reason" no longer applied,everything I was brought up to believe as far as religion goes was wrong.

I was responsible for creating my own future,living with my mistakes etc.At 15 a scary but quite liberating concept.

I hated the idea that seems to be quite popular,that if your a atheist you are shallow self centred and have little or no values.

I decided to live by my own code.which was and still is pretty simple,I've discovered recently ( whilst looking to find people with similar ideas) mine are pretty much humanist values.

Humanists are described as atheists and agnostics who make sense of the world using reason and experience. They take responsibility for their actions and base their ethics on the goals of human welfare, happiness and fulfilment.
They seek to make the best of the one life they have by creating meaning and purpose in the here and now, individually and together.

This is how I've been trying to live my life since 15.

We do not need religion to show us lead fulfilling lives,we have it in us to better ourselves and do what we can to make this world a better place on our own.

So,I think I'm going to attend one of the humanist society meet ups.it will be nice to chat to people with similar ideas.

This is a fun little quiz,plus you have a nice quote from Stephen fry in the banner ( love mr fry hehe)


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