Sunday 15 July 2012


I have sleep walking and sleep talking episodes.This normally happens when im stressed, or sleeping somewhere new, its even happened on holiday before.

it ranges from just saying a few random words,waking up not knowing where I am, and  full conversations.

 Matt my ex said we had a detailed conversation about the tv show Dexter at 2 am,apparently I was laid there with my eyes open. He assumed I was awake,we always talked before bed so to him it was just another conversation,until I started talking about cheese?!

 When I actually get out of bed and sleep walk I have my eyes open,my exs say they just tell me they just to go back to bed, my sister was cruel she apparently hit me with pillows till I went back to sleep.

ive been single for a while now so the only evidence of my sleepwalking are the changes in the morning.For example waking up in a bed made on the floor from spare bedding 
I keep spare pillows etc  in case I have company,I assume I was dreaming that  I had a friend needing a bed I slept on the floor. Yes weird, but not as weird as this.ive started half waking up during nightmares,I sit up in bed and hallucinate what i'm dreaming, I can move so its not sleep paralysis, ( I really feel for those who suffer with this,the fear must be similar to what i have but they are trapped so I can only imagine its worse)

I dream there is someone in my room, I sit up look over I see a shadow or somthing then its gone,or im dreaming there are spiders in my bed,I can see them crawling then I move and they go. its at this point that I wake up,fully awake im freaked out all hot,pulse racing,confused the whole thing must have been a few seconds but eeep, its horrible.

I spend the next few minuets checking my room, or walking downstairs just to check noone is there ( silly I know) for my own peice of mind so I can go back to bed.

ive got no idea why I remember these sleep walking episodes and not the others.I'm going to keep a track of them, if it keeps happening I might go to the doctor, its that disturbing.

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