Thursday 26 July 2012

Star -Spangled Banner

so we've had the royal wedding,the jubilee,and now the Olympics.I should be feeling all warm and fuzzy about England. I'm not. In fact I dont really feel much of anything.

Of course im proud of what we have acheived, we have a rich history,I like our arcitecture, countryside and the fact we are a multi cultural society.Yet I still feel well 'blah' about it.

I think its because I dont see my future here, and ' god save the queen' does nothing to make me feel much of anything. ( perhaps when im watching england play but maybe thats more the excitement of the match) 

I actively listened to Star-Spangled Banner. it struck me as everything a national anthem should be. No wonder Americans seem to feel so much pride and belonging, Im sure I would too.

Some people really dislike America and its people. I have to say every american i've met has been intelligent,charming,and a pleasure to be around. I like their confidence and drive for success.
 in England We tend to be self deprecating, looking on the negative side.Although this is the basis of our  humor its not very productive.  We could do with more confidence and positivity

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