Wednesday 1 August 2012

Dear hormones

i hate you! I've always thought my PMS was worse then average. I went to the doctors as I was in so much pain, discovered you are to blame.

 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Like PMS, premenstrual dysphoric disorder follows a predictable, cyclic pattern. Symptoms begin in the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation) and end shortly after menstruation begins.

 so it begins the invasion of my body and mind. like clock work the week before my period.
I bloat so much that I go up a dress size.  from a size 8 ( a us 6 ) to a UK 10 ( US 8), I have bigger clothes that I wear for that week, my boobs get sore,I have cramping so bad sometimes i'm physically sick.

then comes the emotional havoc. 
  • feelings of deep sadness or despair- i cant see a way that these moods will ever stop.i know your coming again next thoughtful
  • feelings of intense tension or anxiety
  • increased intense sensitivity to rejection or criticism. you turn me into that woman i despise. overly sensitive and annoying.
  • Person : you have a few spots, stressed? me: omg im a fucking grease ball,I look like a victim of a medieval disease..must cry when I get home.
  •  My only conciliation,like a crappy character in a bad horror movie I know you will be gone in 7 days
  • panic attacks- yes i have them, they  are horrible and result in me vomiting if i don't calm myself down.they come on it times of repressed stress.fuck you!
  • rapid and severe mood swings, bouts of uncontrollable crying
  • lasting irritability or anger, increased interpersonal conflicts, i keep myself quiet in my room so i dont effect people. Goodbye social life.
  • apathy or disinterest in daily activities and relationships- i just want to be alone i don't want people to have to deal with me this way, Jekyll and hyde..grrr
  • difficulty concentrating- being curled up in pain and vomiting will do that to you
  • chronic fatigue-  im tired and cant seem to get a good nights rest,so i feel zombiefied.
  • food cravings or binge eating-  give me chocolate NOW
  • insomnia or hypersonia; sleeping more than usual, or (in a smaller group of sufferers) being unable to sleep...ugh
  • feeling overwhelmed or feelings of being out of control- fuck you
  • increase  sex drive-great, Lets make the crying,binge eating jabba want to fuck even more then usual.what a nice reminder that i'm single and haven't had sex in a while grr

thanks hormones for  turning me into a bloated, overly horny, emotional wreck
your body

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